On Self-Love

Self-love is holding myself

in my own arms


I’m here for you

I’m here for you

Self-love is asking

What wants attention?

What wants to be witnessed?

What needs support?

Self-love is listening deeply

to my own heart

Being present with the pain

Not shying away

Whispering to myself

You are safe

It’s ok to feel this

You are safe

Self-love is screaming into a pillow

Releasing years of pent up





Self-love is freeing my voice

Self-love is freeing my true self

Self-love is encouraging myself


You are awesome!

Look at everything you’ve come through!

Look at the woman you are now


Self-love is being present for my body

Present for the pain

Self-love is saying to myself

I am here for you

I am here for this pain

Self-love is forgiveness

With a reassuring tone

Saying over and over

I forgive you

I forgive you

You did the best you could

I forgive you

Self-love is repeating

lovingkindness to myself

Filling that deep hole inside




Loving words

Self-love is a commitment

to own my story

The whole fucking story

Not just the parts

other people want to hear

Self-love is NOT appeasing others

Self-love is NOT betraying myself for others

Self-love is NOT hiding my authenticity from others

Self-love cannot come FROM others

It must be sourced from within

That’s what makes it SELF love

Self-love is radical

Self-love is bold

Self-love is here

Self-love is NOW